Diplomates who are due to be re-certified will be notified early in the year, usually with their membership invoice.
Step 1: Download the form
Download the re-certification workbook from our Forms page.
Step 2: Complete the form
Complete the recertification form, covering the 5 years prior to the year of recertification. When complete, send the form to the Secretariat.
Step 3: Send to Secretariat
Send the recertification workbook to the Secretariat by 31 March. The Secretariat will coordinate with the Education Committee on your evaluation, and advise you of the results.
Step 4. Education Committee Review
The materials will be reviewed by the Education Committee. Once your recertification has been approved, the Secretariat will notify you, and update your records on the EBVS website.
Types of re-certification activity
- Attendance at congresses or meetings
- Publications
- Presentations
- Involvement in ECLAM and related activities
All Diplomates must re-certify every 5 years using a system which EBVS has approved. This process ensures that members of ECLAM are fulfilling their obligation to remain in the forefront of the speciality.
You are required to attend the ECLAM Annual General Meeting at least twice in every 5 years, unless you have received dispensation from the College in advance. The Secretariat can advise you of your attendance history. Proof of attendance can be either (a) your signature on the attendance roll at the meeting or (b) an electronic record that you were present for the web-cast of the meeting.
You will be notified in January of the year in which you must be re-certified; your annual membership invoice will include the fee for re-certification. Download the form (an Excel or Google workbook) from our Forms page. Credit points are awarded for various areas of activity as a Diplomate (shown at left). You must have earned at least 100 credit points over the 5-year period, with at least 15 points in three of the four areas.
If you have extenuating personal circumstances (such as parental leave, serious health issues or other problems) precluding your from completing this requirement, contact the Secretariat at your earliest opportunity to request consideration under the College’s policies and procedures.