Registration ends 10th March 2025 and is limited to 24 persons.
The fee is €400 for current ESLAV or ECLAM members, €600 for non-members. The fee includes lunch, breaks, one dinner, and transportation to the training labs.
Tag: examination
Registration ends 10th March 2025 and is limited to 24 persons.
The fee is €400 for current ESLAV or ECLAM members, €600 for non-members. The fee includes lunch, breaks, one dinner, and transportation to the training labs.
ECLAM has a plan for the future.
Our 2021-2025 Strategic Plan is now on the website. The plan will streamline ECLAM over the next 5 years, create additional resources for residents and supervisors, and reach out to veterinary colleagues to promote the diploma. Working together in focussed teams, we will encourage our colleagues to join us in improving the quality of laboratory animal science and medicine. How will you be involved?
Examination candidates will shortly be contacted with additional details about the 2021 certification examinations. ECLAM needs additional time to plan for the 2021 examinations, so candidates are asked to confirm their intentions before 31 January.
ECLAM will administer the 2021 examinations to a record number of candidates. There will be significant changes in the delivery and content of the examinations.
The written examination will be held at several sites in Europe to facilitate travel, probably over two days in September. EBVS has contracted with ExamSoft to enable all Colleges to use a computerised method of examination delivery. Candidates will need to bring a laptop with the examination app installed.
Practical skills will no longer be assessed during the certification examinations. The oral examination will be conducted via online meeting. For invigilation purposes, candidates will again be required to travel to an examination site on one day.